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NormaAndPhilom webcam from LiveJasmin

About: Our names are Madeline and Mary. We are 19 years old and we are from Poland. We love to spend time together and have fun playing different scenarios. Often we get together and play board games. every morning we start with coffee and pleasant experiences, join us
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Sexual orientation:LesbianBisexual
Public area:Shaved
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About:Our names are Madeline and Mary. We are 19 years old and we are from Poland. We love to spend time together and have fun playing different scenarios. Often we get together and play board games. every morning we start with coffee and pleasant experiences, join us
Turns on:( Madeline) My hobbies are my pets. I have a dog, a cat and a cat. I spend a lot of time with them, we go for walks and play games. I also love to draw and am studying to be an artist-designer. Doing yoga and reading books. I also like to watch anime and read manga. (Mary) I have a few hobbies. The gym is where I try to get better and keep myself in shape. Reading books of a scientific nature.
Turns off:We don't like bad weather when nothing happens, chocolate, rudeness and irresponsibility